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Composition Book, 20 lb Bond Weight Sheets, Wide/Legal Rule, Black Cover, (100) 9.75 x 7.5 Sheets

Composition Book, 20 lb Bond Weight Sheets, Wide/Legal Rule, Black Cover, (100) 9.75 x 7.5 Sheets
Help track student handwriting progress.

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Quantity in Stock:190

Product Code: PACMMK37164

Perfect for tracking handwriting progress, bound book includes 100 sheets ruled front and back plus a reference alphabet printed on the inside front cover. Colorful, distinctive covers make it easy to find the grade level and ruling that you need.
  • Perfect for tracking handwriting progress, bound book includes 100 sheets ruled front and back plus a reference alphabet printed on the inside front cover. Conforms to D'Nealian and Zaner-Bloser handwriting styles; colorful, distinctive covers make it easy to find the grade level and ruling that you need.

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